Mon State

Mon State is located between 14* 52' N and 17* 44' N latitudes and 96* 53' E and 98* 13' E longitudes bounded on the north by Pegu Division, on the east by Karen State, on the south by Tenasserim Division and on the west by the Gulf of Martaban.

Mons, Burmans, Paos, Tavoyans and Shans inhabit the State whose capital is Moulmein and the area is 4748 square miles. Mon State Day falls on the 19th March.

Principal crops of the State are paddy, groundnut, pulses, rubber, sugar-cane, coconut, betel nut, dhani, doorian, rambutan and mangosteen. The State is the top producer of rubber. Tin, antimony and white clay are some of its natural products.

Tobacco pipes, hot water bottles, rubber balloons, plaster figurines, feather-brooms, coconut-shell handicrafts are successful in Ywalut village of Belugyun.

Zeebyuthaung is Myanmar's first sea-fishing cooperative village. Salt-making is another reliable economic activity.

Places of interest

  • Kyaiktiyo Pagoda (the holy rock)
  • Kyaikkami Yele Pagoda
  • Setse Beach Resort
  • Thanbyuzayat War Memorial